Altrove Pendant lamp direct/indirect light Body

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Designer:   Carlotta de Bevilacqua

Manufacturer:  Artemide   Collection:   Altrove

To realize a controlled volumetric lighting effect, has created a square meter of surface where the light flows smoothly on transparent wires crossing a shaped reflector mirror. This is a cubic meter ... Read more

Price: Discontinued

To realize a controlled volumetric lighting effect, has created a square meter of surface where the light flows smoothly on transparent wires crossing a shaped reflector mirror. This is a cubic meter of light which is endlessly reflected freely modulating more than one million chromatic effects. The space is not unique, but turns into a multitude of space or simply a different one, a delusional perception of reality that leads us to a new place, but alla.Estan are three versions that are characterized by three types light. Light: aluminum perimeter frame upper reflector mirror finish, opal acrylic side diffusers, clear acrylic front diffuser. Volumetric light: aluminum perimeter frame upper segment optical reflector, opal acrylic side diffusers, clear acrylic front diffuser. Fluid light: aluminum perimeter frame, opal acrylic side diffusers, clear acrylic front diffuser.

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