Abside Pendant Lamp Glass 60cm Black 1L

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Designer:   Oriano Favaretto

Manufacturer:  Evaluz   Collection:   Abside

Luminaire composed of a bell lacquered aluminum glossy finish on the outside and white inside.Inside incorporates a Pyrex diffuser that projects a light beam on different areas of the same type of gla ... Read more

Price: Discontinued

Luminaire composed of a bell lacquered aluminum glossy finish on the outside and white inside.

Inside incorporates a Pyrex diffuser that projects a light beam on different areas of the same type of glass in transparent or chrome finish.

hangs from a steel cable adjustable height. The colors available are lacquered in white, black and bright red and is in two dimensions 60 and 90 inches in diameter.

Abside of Evaluz

consists of a bell lacquered bright aluminum on the outside and white inside for proper diffusion of light, which kept inside a protected Pyrex diffuser luminaire finishes projecting the beam light on different areas of the same type of glass can be transparent or dipped in chrome, giving a different effect in each case, they are suspended individually with a steel cable that can be regulated in agile height and comfortably so that allows customization their appearance. It is available in lacquered white, black and bright red.

Abside Pendant Lamp Glass 60cm Black 1L Evaluz Image

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