Cylinder projector of Track LED 16w 4000K 20° white

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Manufacturer:  Faro   Collection:   Cylinder

Faro of Cylinder is a family of downlights Cylinder is a family of projectors designed to accommodate different light sources. In black and white, is made of aluminum. Version available with LED lig ... Read more

Price: Discontinued

Cylinder projector of Track LED 16w 4000K 20° white Faro Image Faro of Cylinder is a family of Downlights Cylinder is a family of projectors designed to accommodate different light sources. In black and white, is made of aluminum.

Version available with LED lighting module for food (fruit, vegetables, meat and fish) and shopping. Includes aluminum reflector 20 ° and 56 °.

Details :
- Design portaequipo: Cylinder projector of Track LED 16w 4000K 20° white (01063301) features a compact design without screws.

- Versatility: Cylinder has a structure that is prepared to accommodate different light sources ensuring the versatility of the device and allowing adapt to different lighting needs.

- Maximum durability: The sink Cylinder projector of Track LED 16w 4000K 20° white (01063301) surrounding the reflector is designed to facilitate air circulation, ensuring optimum working temperature and ensuring maximum life of the lamp.

Models available for Cylinder of Faro

Cylinder lane QR111 100w projector projector lane Cylinder
25w QR111
Cylinder projector lane
20w CDM-R111 projector Cylinder lane
35w CDM-R111 projector Cylinder lane
70w CDM-R111 projector lane Cylinder HIT-T G12 35w 12th

Metal Halide
Cylinder lane projector CDM-R111 20/35 /70w projector lane
Cylinder HIT-T G12 35w 38 °
Cylinder projector lane HIT-T G12 70w 12th
Cylinder projector lane HIT T G12 70w 38 °

LED 16w
Cylinder projector LED 16w 3000K lane 20 °
Cylinder channel 16w LED Projector 4000K 20 °
Cylinder 16w LED projector lane 56 °
Cylinder 3000K LED projector lane 3000K 16w 20 ° Fruit
16w LED projector Cylinder lane 3000K 56 ° Fruit
16w LED projector Cylinder lane 4000K 20 ° Meat
Cylinder projector 16w 4000K LED channel 20 ° Perla
Cylinder LED Projector 16w 4000K lane 20 ° Fish
16w LED projector Cylinder lane 56 °
Cylinder 4000K LED projector lane 4000K 16w 56 ° Meat
Cylinder projector LED 16w 4000K lane 56 ° Perla Cylinder
16w LED projector lane 4000K 56 ° Fish

LED 26w
Cylinder projector LED 26w 3000K lane 20 °
Cylinder projector LED 26w 3000K lane 20 ° Fruit Cylinder
26w LED projector lane 56 °
Cylinder 3000K LED projector lane 3000K 26w 56 ° Fruit
26w LED projector Cylinder lane 3100K 20 ° Perla
Cylinder projector LED 26w 3100K lane 56 ° Perla
Cylinder channel 26w LED Projector 4000K 20 °
Cylinder 26w LED projector lane 4000K 20 ° Meat
26w LED projector Cylinder lane 4000K 20 ° Fish
26w LED projector Cylinder lane 56 °
Cylinder 4000K LED projector lane 26w 4000K 56 ° Meat
Cylinder projector 26w 4000K LED channel 56 ° Fish

Cylinder is available in White and Black.

Cylinder projector of Track LED 16w 4000K 20° white Faro Image

Technical Data

Color and finishings
Power Consumption

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