Totem Floor Lamp 1xR7s MAX 300W 1xT8 58W - Aluminium Anodized

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Designer:   Josep Patsí

Manufacturer:  Grok   Collection:   Totem

Aluminum frame finish. Opal acrylic diffuser.3 separate switches incorporated.A switch turns direct light and another light, light off and indirectly regulates the upper and the third light, turn and ... Read more

Price: Discontinued

Aluminum frame finish. Opal acrylic diffuser.
3 separate switches incorporated.
A switch turns direct light and another light, light off and indirectly regulates the upper and the third light, turn and change the color of ambient light, allowing you to select between 6 different colors and the automatic shift mode color .

Halogen top light dimmer
Vertical fluorescent light dimmer
LED color changing controller (6 positions)

AF - Satin aluminum
M1 - opal acrylic diffuser
20cm x 20cm x 190cm

R7s L = 118 Max. OSRAM 300W halogen lamp included
58W T8 Fluorescent tubes included
95 LED RGB color change system

Technical Data

Power Consumption

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