Vivaldi TL 40 Lights pictures Chrome mate

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Manufacturer:  Marset   Collection:   Vivaldi

Sound, clean and stylish. Its design is particularly suitable for illuminating tables, walls and places that need direct light without dazzling.Vivaldi The wall consists of two metal tubes (each with ... Read more

Price: Discontinued

Sound, clean and stylish. Its design is particularly suitable for illuminating tables, walls and places that need direct light without dazzling.

Vivaldi The wall consists of two metal tubes (each with a bulb) that bind in the middle to allow greater mobility. With a vertical and a switch on the box is fixed to the wall, this lamp is suitable for those moments when the light must enhance the area of illumination. Two openings in the tubes get produce a direct light. Available in two sizes (30 and 40cm).
Its characteristics make it perfect for desks, tables or other lighting to illuminate objects and areas as they can be switched on independently.

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