Aspid P35 Wall Lamp Chrome 2x60W G9 + 3x35W GU10 Glass

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Designer:   Danilo De Rossi

Manufacturer:  Leucos

Wall lamp composed of loops hand-shaped glass in colors: crystal, black, red and amethyst. Chromed metal frame. Double lamp lit.Bulbsmax. And G9-250V 2x60W max. GU10 3x35W-250V (double switch)Measures ... Read more

Price: Discontinued

Wall lamp composed of loops hand-shaped glass in colors: crystal, black, red and amethyst. Chromed metal frame. Double lamp lit.

max. And G9-250V 2x60W max. GU10 3x35W-250V (double switch)


0705290014509 - P35 Aspid apply chrome GU10 3x35W + 2x60W G9 - Amethyst
0705290013409 - Aspid P35 chrome applied 2x60W + 3x35W G9 GU10 - Crystal
0705290015609 - P35 Aspid apply G9 2x60W + 3x35W Chrome GU10 - Black
0705290014309 - P35 Aspid apply chrome GU10 3x35W + 2x60W G9 - Red

Technical Data

Power Consumption
Lighting Source

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